Geordie Beer Stew

Looking for a heartwarming stew recipe that is cheap, delicious and perfect for winter nights? This beef stew using Newcastle Brown Ale is sure to hit the spot.

Pistachio & Parsnip Puff

I love pastry. All my favourite things are made with pastry; sausage rolls, pies, cinnamon rolls…. now I can add this delicious, super simple dish to that list. I have made variations of this for a while (usually with a red pepper pesto) but I was experimenting with a pistachio pesto I make and it…

Vegan Ramen with sticky tofu

I bloody love Japanese food and ramen is one of my favourite comfort foods. It’s like a huge hug, and I needed it today after celebrating the new year with a couple too many drinks! This recipe feeds 4 people (and reheats perfectly for lunch the next day!) Ingredients For the broth 1 pint of…

Lotus biscuit millionaire tray bake

I blooming love lotus biscuits. I also love millionaire shortbread. The sweet caramel taste is guaranteed to make me smile no matter how bad a day I am having. After a pretty full on night out on Friday, and subsequent hangover, I wanted to make something that required minimum effort but maximum taste. That’s where…

Vegan pesto hors d’oeuvres

With world vegan month fast approaching (November) and Christmas just around the corner, it is time to start thinking about the festive period. In an effort to eat less meat, I took part in Veganuary 2018 and it absolutely debunked all the myths I had previously believed. It isn’t expensive, bland and boring. In fact,…

Vegan Filo Pesto Tarts

I love trying out new recipes and when Aldi challenged me to make a vegan centre plate dish I was so excited. I love the bright colours of the filling and it shows that vegan food is anything but boring! Find all the details below to create these perfect vegan filo pesto tarts: Ingredients: For…

Vegan Pesto Spaghetti & Balsamic Veggies

As I don’t eat dairy, I find it hard to find a pesto that I can enjoy without stomach aches. I concocted this through sheer frustration and think it is the best pesto to ever have been created! It is vegan, inexpensive to make and absolutely delicious… I promise. If you are looking for a…

Lemon, Ginger & Pistachio Loaf

Lemon, Ginger & Pistachio Loaf Recipe from Neha at Mostly food and travel Neha is one of my favourite bloggers. Her recipes have me drooling over my keyboard and her travel posts are so informative. I also love pistachio and this cake sounds amazing, I will definitely be making it! Neha says: Some of my…

Quick Quinoa Nut Bars Recipe

Quinoa Nut Bars Recipe I am trying to be a little healthier with my snacking and not reach for the chocolate bar as soon as I get that first pang of hunger. I love having a stash of quinoa bars in my fridge as it stops me snacking on rubbish, but the Aldi goji &…

5 tasty quick dinners

Working full time doesn’t mean having to eat boring food during the week. I try to cook delicious food during the week, as quickly as possible. I try to keep all midweek dinners under 30 minutes for my housemate and I, including all prep time. There is so much I need to do when I…

Vegan chocolate brownies

The thing I seemed to miss most during Veganuary was chocolate. There is an amazing vegan chocolate from Aldi with a hint of sea salt but because it isn’t my usual supermarket I would often forget to grab some. I missed walking into the freshly baked or snack aisle of my local supermarket and grab…

5 fabulous vegan recipes

As you may know, I have been taking part in Veganuary, giving up meat, fish and dairy products for the month of January. The reasons for this are varied but include trying to challenge myself in the kitchen, cut down on the meat products I eat and trying to see if it would save me…