My new site!

Hi All

My lovely friend Rob (pictured with me below) has been working behind the scenes to change my blog from a site to a .org site.

11224741_10153364142752154_7328632937956260761_nI am pretty tipsy in this!

Don’t ask me what that means as I have no clue, but it is supposed to make things simpler and easier for me, with more autonomy over my site. There will be some changes to the look over the next few weeks, but he has done loads and so I think I owe him a meal or two before making him do anything else! Thank you Rob for your help!!!

I have finally migrated my followers over to my new site (didn’t know it wouldn’t do this automatically, so much for it being easier for me!!) and so you may have missed a few posts in the meantime.

So here is a little round up, please have a read 🙂

My homemade pot noodle!


A fun, healthy alternative to a favourite on the go food!

My tandoori inspired chicken

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Processed with VSCO with nc preset

A really tasty, low carb meal. Really quick and so tasty. Reheats really well for the following days lunch too

There are also a review of Townhouse, Arnold and more information of the opening of the East Midlands first Bierkeller here.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts!

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