Ah I have just logged onto twitter to see that the lovely Jess Cantoni has nominated me for the Sunshine Blogger award!
It is awarded to people that are ‘inspirational through their positivity and creativity in the blogging community’. I didn’t think anyone viewed me as this so it has made me smile massively on this dreary, drizzly January day!
If you have been nominated by me, please follow the rules below:
- Say thank you in your blog post to the blogger who has nominated you, and link back to their blog.
- Answer the 11 questions the blogger asked you.
- Nominate 11 new blogs to receive the award and write them 11 new questions.
- List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post and/or on your blog.
Here are the answers to the questions I was asked by Jess:
1. What 3 things do you enjoy most about the blogging community?
I love meeting new people and the friends I have made through blogging will stay with me for a lifetime. I love meet ups and engaging and interacting with new (to me) bloggers. I also love reading and learning from other bloggers in order to better my content.
2. When you’re not blogging, what are you doing instead?
I work full time in radio and when I am not there I am usually either eating in a restaurant or trying out new recipes in my own kitchen with my housemate. She has tried all sorts of weird and wonderful things that I have either created or recreated. Some have been a big hit, and some really haven’t!
3. Tea or coffee and how do you take it?
I don’t drink either, but I absolutely love this Rose & Violet tea from Fortnum & Mason
4. Favourite place to blog?
In bed, on a cold day, under the covers with my electric blanket on!
5. Have you owned any blogs before your current one?
I had never even really put pen to paper before starting this blog. I absolutely love to write but was too scared t show anyone so other than a few stories in school or handwritten letters to my best friend, I have been mostly silent.
6. Which 3 bloggers do you look up to for inspiration?
TalkBeckyTalk definitely. I follow everything she does and love her reviews.
Lucy and Lentils foodie blog makes me hungry and she is a genuinely lovely person too.
The Gastronomic Gorman is the reason I blog. She is a personal friend and when I said I wanted to start writing she gave some great advice and just told me to start! I am so grateful to her for encouraging me.
7. Do you have a preferred snack when blogging?
Not really, I will eat anything and everything but I get easily distracted when eating so try not to do so.
8. Full-time or part-time blogger?
Part time. I really should schedule more time to write but life got so busy towards the end of 2017. I need to make more time or this.
9. Do you listen to music whilst your blogging? If so, what?
Not really, as I find I get incredibly distracted and then start singing along to the songs and then forget my train of thought!
10. How do you deal with lighting issues when taking photographs?
Oh god I don’t! I am so bad at photography that I just wing it! I am looking to do a photography course this year to get a handle on it a little more.
11. How far in advance do you plan your posts?
Erm… Planning? What is that? I write when I have time,and when I have been to a restaurant. I am trying to incorporate a little more lifestyle into my blog, so I need to start prepping a little more!
Here are my nominees in no particular order:
5) Notts Foodie
10) Frost in Space
My questions to you are:
1) Why did you start blogging?
2) What is your favourite travel destination?
3) What is number 1 on your bucket list?
4) What would be your ‘last meal’?
5) What is your favourite song?
6) What is your favourite book?
7) You meet a genie, what are your three wishes?
8) What is your proudest accomplishment?
9) How would you describe yourself in three words?
10) If you could give one piece of advice to your younger self, what would it be?
11) If you won £1,000,000 on the lottery, what is the first thing you would buy?
Tag me in the tweet as I would love to hear your answers xx
Congratulations on the nomination, I love these awards, bloggers supporting other bloggers. Your blog is lovely! Look forward to seeing more content in 2018! X
Thank you lovely! I love yours too. Xx
Congratulations on the award and it was nice getting to know you through the Q&A
Oh wow a photography course! That’s dedication x
Congratulations on being nominated! I really enjoyed reading your answers.
Ah thanks lovely! I really enjoyed writing this and am absolutely chuffed x
I love your answers! Have definitely learnt more about you now
It’s so cool that you work in radio by the way! I always thought I’d like to do that as I love media as a subject. xx
I love working in radio, it’s so fascinating. Did media at A level so it’s fun to see how it actually works! X